I mean, are Lazarus team want to say, not need suggestion, so don't tell us suggestion, you can use, if we, what we do. I wrote 3 suggestion, 2 good idea writed, but, for first suggestion do nothing. for second suggestion next year maybe. 3. suggestion, for fpc svn install script, I was share mine, but problem "OVERRIDEVERSIONCHECK=1" not write again I was write all detail.

I'm just do NOT want to thing like this, "Why I'm STILL trying helping, testing, just loosing time. If I have problem, write it to forum or mail list, if some one write answer is good, if no answer, forget it, use different way"

Yes Juha, FreeSparta is good viewing on video, But he wrote "Already done by me :D" and no share or detail. so, for get it, what we can do our self?

14-03-2014 17:38 tarihinde, Juha Manninen yazdı:

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 5:15 PM, FreeMan <freema...@delphiturkiye.com <mailto:freema...@delphiturkiye.com>> wrote:

    Status acknowledged
    2011-02-23 17:48 Created
    2012-03-17 17:57 Zeljan Rikalo   => 1.2
    2014-01-14 15:16 Martin Friebe   1.2 => 1.4
    svn version is 1.3

    whats is the meaning of all this, kindly explain this please.

Nobody implemented the feature for Lazarus 1.0 so Zeljan postponed it for Lazarus 1.2 two years ago. Nobody implemented it for Lazarus 1.2 either so Martin postponed it for Lazarus 1.4 which will be the next release. Lazarus 1.3 is the development version that will finally turn into 1.4 around a year from now.

I am still curious about what is FreeSparta?


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