Michael Van Canneyt wrote:

Is it possible to have the following in the code tools:

I would like to be able to specify a code snippet that is inserted at the start and end of a procedure (after begin, before end keywords). The code snippet should contains some macros like $(CLASSNAME) $(METHODNAME).
Conceivably, other macros can be thought of: parameters, unit name etc.

The intended use is that the IDE generates stuff like

Procedure TMyClass.MyMethod;

  {$IFDEF LOGPROCESSFLOW}Log('Entering TMyClass.MyMethod');{$ENDIF}

  {$ENDIF LOGPROCESSFLOW}Log('Exiting TMyClass.MyMethod');{$ENDIF}

If the compiler could track the current procedure (or function, or class.method etc.) name, then couldn't that be done with a macro? Then the app source would be a less-obtrusive:

Procedure TMyClass.MyMethod;



Otherwise, since this is such a common requirement, how about a non-fatal equivalent of Assert()?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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