

Robson Dantas de Aguiar is a Brazilian, I don't know what his problem is,
but he always insults many members of open lists which he also
participates, for many years.

However, in my case, it happened things more serious. He said I was a
thief, saying libel and slander against my name, and he also threatened me
and my family. How it took drastic proportions, and I saw my name being
damaged publicly in groups, lists and foruns about programmation, I took
severe attitudes, I looked for a police station, and I opened a bulletin
about the incident.

Therefore, according to the police orientations I received, the case will
be investigated, and they asked me categorically to leave the case with
them, and not to respond anything more to Robson, because if he was
convicted and there were more people involved, they would receive a
subpoena, and they would be questioned by the police.

So, I ask that this topic finishes here, because this is a list of Lazarus
discussion, and this kind of topic is not good for our community.

Best regards,

Silvio Clécio
My public projects - github.com/silvioprog
Lazarus mailing list

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