I only quickly Googled and found this: 
(there is more result found).
There is stated that translation is not official (i.e. it was not published by 
There is also stated:
 Kopírování a distribuce doslovných kopií tohoto licenčního dokumentu jsou 
dovoleny komukoliv, jeho změny jsou však zakázány.
Copying and distribution letter-perfect copies of this document is allowed for 
everyone, any changes are restricted.
I guess it will be similar with other languages. 
Od: Martin Frb <laza...@mfriebe.de>
Komu: Lazarus mailing list <lazarus@lists.lazarus.freepascal.org>
Datum: 29.05.2014 11:55
Předmět: Re: [Lazarus] [IDE] Translations of licence texts which are inserted 
into source code

On 29/05/2014 07:45, Václav Valíček wrote:
Hi folks,

I have a question about translating licence text inserted by Source -> Insert General -> *Something.

What do you think about translating? I have found some Czech licences translated, so I translated and corrected translations of the rest. But if I consider the rest of the world, I cannot imagine that somebody includes some opensource licence and publishes project - with Czech variants of licence? Wouldn't be better to revert licence texts into english?

But who translated it?

Legal texts are not always simple to translate, and just translating them may impact their correctness?

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