While trying to adapt notice about not legal translation, I have found that I have to add new lines to licence text.... And it is problem, because of Format function (ide/sourceeditor.pp:4011) - it would case missmatch.


Isn't it silly to change it just to?:
           StringReplace(Notice, '%s', sLineBreak, [rfReplaceAll]),

(It's silly from point of view of Format(), but in licences, there will be IMO %s = CRLF forever, with no other formatting options) I tried to change the resourcestring (replace %s with sLineBreak) - to tell if it is able to replace %s with CRLF in resourcestrings... I'm not sure if it was Lazarus&FPC or Delphi who diallowed to use CRLF char in resourcestrings. But to finish recursion of my thought, i wasn't able to regenerate .po file from resourcestring.

So, I'm sorry for my maybe incomprehensive writing (out of coffe), but can you help me with problem 1 (Format()) and 2 (regenerating PO file)?

Václav Valíček

Dne 29.5.2014 23:50, João Marcelo Vaz napsal(a):
2014-05-29 15:05 GMT-03:00 Václav Valíček <vac...@valicek.name>:
1, For Czech translations which I was doing/editing from previous
translator, I looked for materials about meaning of licence in Czech and
English, to keep the meaning of translated text.
2, Before my corrections, there was mixture of Czech sentences with English
untranslated words
3, It may be nice to put some notice about "uncertified" translation
before/under the text
4, Translated licences are (from my point of view) keeping the meaning, but
they are translated into "unnatural" form of language (if you know what I
5, I haven't finished improving and translating - so I don't have problem to
just delete 'em.

Václav Valíček

Dne 29.5.2014 11:54, Martin Frb napsal(a):
On 29/05/2014 07:45, Václav Valíček wrote:
Hi folks,

I have a question about translating licence text inserted by Source ->
Insert General -> *Something.

What do you think about translating? I have found some Czech licences
translated, so I translated and corrected translations of the rest. But if I
consider the rest of the world, I cannot imagine that somebody includes some
opensource licence and publishes project - with Czech variants of licence?
Wouldn't be better to revert licence texts into english?

But who translated it?

Legal texts are not always simple to translate, and just translating them
may impact their correctness?
There are some restrictions from FSF in translating the GPL licenses:

  " We give permission to publish translations of GNU licenses into
other languages, provided that:

   1. You label your translation as unofficial to inform people that
they do not count legally as substitutes for the authentic version
(see below for how to do this).
   2. You agree to install changes at our request, if we learn from
other friends of GNU that changes are necessary to make the
translation clearer.
   3. The translation is not hosted on a commercial site and does not
refer to any company.
   4. The page containing the translation should have no links except
to fsf.org and gnu.org. We might accept links about other free
software packages, but we prefer to avoid them.
   5. The page should say it is released under some version of the
Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs license.
   6. We may accept small exceptions to these rules in legacy cases
that are hard to fix.

To label your translations as unofficial, please add the following
text at the beginning, both in English and in the language of the
translation. Replace language with the name of that language, and “GNU
General Public License” and “GPL” with the name and abbreviation of
the license you're translating, if it's not the GPL:

"This is an unofficial translation of the GNU General Public License
into language. It was not published by the Free Software Foundation,
and does not legally state the distribution terms for software that
uses the GNU GPL—only the original English text of the GNU GPL does
that. However, we hope that this translation will help language
speakers understand the GNU GPL better."


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