On 06/13/2014 04:58 PM, Michael Schnell wrote:
I suppose I need to upgrade before proceeding.
Off-Topic in this list, but maybe you might be able to help

On my PC (with rather old 32 Bit Suse) I installed the current released version of Debian in Virtual Box. One virtual box "machine" holding the 32 Bit version and one machine holding the 64 bit version.

Now I am stuck with three problems.

1) The 64 Bit Debian works perfectly. I could install a shared folder and copied the 32 bit Lazarus/fpc generated program "vdso_test" to a "virtual" user folder.
Here the file has "rwxr-xr-x" properties

When I type "./" the TAB key nicely adds the file name.

But  with "Enter" I get:

"bash: ./vdso_test: no such file or directory"

Is a 64 bit Linux not supposed to run 32 bit programs ? Should there not be a more "speaking" error message ?

2) in the 32 bit system, I did not yet dare to try to have Lazarus cross-compile the program to 64 bit. (I would not like to install fpc and Lazarus in the virtual machines.)

3) In the other virtual box machine with the 32 Bit Debian, I seem not to be able to correctly install the "guest additions": - Other than with the 64 bit Debian, the Desktop size does not auto-adapt to the window the host supplies - I can't install a shared folder and hence I can't easily transfer the program file to be tested to the guest file system.

- any help on one of theses ?

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