On 20/06/2014 19:07, FreeMan wrote:
> if lazarus application make in profile folder, can "lazarus source
> root path" add in application or better way can write in one setting
> file. similar fpc and fpc source folder.

Do you want to have lazarus and the settings in the same directory? That
probably is possible though probably not recommended.

You can adjust lazarus.cfg to point to your primary config folder, so
starting startlazarus will start with the config you want.

> I have one source (version) of lazarus, I need multi profile , for
> test and normal etc.
You can set up multiple profile folders wherever you want and use
shortcuts/links to start up lazarus with whatever primary config path
you want.
I don't really see what the hidden status of the default settings
directory has to do with that?


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