On 06/23/2014 06:48 PM, Giuliano Colla wrote:

one must add a Mediator, aware of the new widgetset units, etc. But currently duplicates aren't allowed. Meaning that a different widgetset cannot contain units or classes with the same name of an LCL counterpart.
As you never mention this term I am not sure if you are aware of the Lazarus concept of Widget Types. I understand, at compile time the define variable WidgetType is used to (e.g.) select include files that define the behavior of all related objects. I understand that this is provided to allow for things similar to "different widgetset contained in units or classes with the same name", by moving the relevant source code to include files..

Moreover widgets must be designer aware: you increase the width property, and the widget must become wider. LCL widgets already are, others must be adapted to take advantage of Lazarus Mediator, Designer etc.
I understand that you can add new widgets to the Lazarus GUI designer by installing packets (and then recompiling the ide)

Why not add the Widgets you are missing using a packet ? (If you want to re-use existing code, maybe you can activate macro-processing for compiling these units (I seem to remember that fpc somehow allows for this) and by that e.g. rename the "duplicate" classes, or write your own preprocessor doing this. )


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