Hi All!

I have a program that was working correctly. I used heaptrc to get it that way:-) . Unfortunately, when I removed heaptrc from the uses clause in the project the program no longer starts. Before the very first form is displayed, I get a SegFault in HEAPTRC_TRACEFREEMEMSIZE$POINTERS$QWORD$QWORD : 000000000077F7CA 488b00 mov (%rax),%rax

I checked the project options and the "use heaptrc" box is unchecked. I have tried reloading lazarus and rebooting the machine, neither of which changed the symptoms. If I restore heaptrc to the uses clause, the program starts and runs properly.

I am using Linux Mint 17, 64bit and the most recent version of Lazarus and Free Pascal (all downloaded and installed last week).

Any suggestions?


Don Ziesig

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