On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 2:27 AM, Giuliano Colla
<giuliano.co...@fastwebnet.it> wrote:
> I was thinking of a general overview of the translations, similar to the one
> provided by kde-thumbnailer-po which provides a folder preview like this:
> http://www.bononiadocta.it/Lazarus/kde-thumbnailer.png

Looks nice. How did you install it for KDE?
I also use KDE 4.13 with Mint 17. The servers don't have thumbnailer-po.
I only found a source package from the net and it was old. Maybe this
is not maintained any more. A pity.

Yes, PoChecker should have such graph.
PoChecker has some usability problems that should be addressed, too.
Namely it now behaves like an independent application although it
integrates itself into the IDE. It does not use information from the
current project or any session info. The logical thing would be to
list all translations under the current project and let the user
choose from them.
In fact I planned to do it long time ago, after Bart had made this
package, but I had other priorities.
I then left separate GUIs for the stand-alone version and for the
IDE-integrated version. The idea was to modify the integrated version
later. Now they seem to use the same GUI but it can be separated again
if needed.
I don't believe anybody really uses the stand-alone version without
Lazarus. The integrated version is more important.


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