waldo kitty wrote:
i'm also quite confused how you saw that image with that section
yellowed... i've looked at the same image on several machines and see
only white on white :/
Like Anthony already found out, even if it's white on screen it really is a very light shade of yellow. You can see this by adjusting the brightness of your screen but with a laptop that's a bit more difficult. I've seen multiple times, especially with laptops, that you can't see these subtle colors. (For me, with a desktop-screen, the difference is really visible)

If you don't want to change your theme you can change it in the source of Lazarus itself. But your other programs will keep a white hint. I don't know how to make a clearer border but the color is here:

// Color := clInfoBk;
Color := clYellow; // <- for instance

But clInfoBk is used a lot more throughout the Lazarus IDE so it might be better to change your theme. Maybe somebody else could hunt down the border-drawing for this tooltip (which i couldn't find off hand).

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