Am 2014-10-12 um 12:57 schrieb Bart:
On 10/12/14, Jürgen Hestermann <> wrote:

How can I specify the default button for QuestionDLG?
function QuestionDlg(const aCaption, aMsg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType;
             Buttons: array of const; HelpCtx: Longint): TModalResult;

In the Buttons array of const, add the string  'isdefault' after the
button you want to be the default one.

Thanks, it works.
But why is this not mentioned in the documentation at ?

Take a look at the implementation.
Is this realy the way how to program in Free Pascal/Lazarus?
Find out yourself, there is no documenation and if there is,
it is outdated and faulty and missleading?
Too bad.

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