...as a last resort, i formatted an old disk, installed windows 8.1, installed 
lazarus, downloaded a new snapshot from freepascal site, extracted and followed 
I get an error (i think in fpmkunit.pp) when i execute "make clean all".i tried 
to execute "make install" but i get the same error 

     On Monday, October 27, 2014 5:01 PM, Joost van der Sluis <jo...@cnoc.nl> 

 On 10/27/2014 09:28 AM, Chris Crori wrote:
> Hi Vincent,
>      can you help me build lazarus with fpc 2.7.1?  I downloaded fpc
> trunk, changed the file folders, undated the lazarus configuration, but
> I cannot build fpc and lazarus tells me it can’t find fpc.cfg file...
> the file exists!

When you have downloaded fpc 2.7.1, go to the command-line and do 'make 
clean all'. Make sure that the compiler-executable (ppc386.exe and 
fpc.exe) are in your search-path. If you are on Windows this is not 
always the case. (set path=%path%:c:\lazarus\fpc\2.6.4\bin\i386-win32)

Then you have to do a 'make install'. But to do so, you need 
administrator-rights. So make sure that you use the right-mouse button 
when you start your console (cmd or poweshell) and select 'run as 

If you passed this step, you have fpc installed in c:\pp. Adapt the path 
so that it points to this new location for the compiler-binaries. (Nore 
that you still need a reference to the old lazarus-fpc-location, because 
it also contains helper utilities like make.exe)

If you are editing the fpc.cfg file, search for the lines that start 
with -Fu.  Those need changing.

If you want to know where to place your fpc.cfg, use ppc386.exe -vt.

Then adapt the Lazarus configuration, and you should be done.

There are also scripts that do all this for you, btw.


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