First I thank the Lazarus team for the fine 1.3 version, usable for development with FPC trunk (Unicode version). In detail the greyed-out branches in conditional compilation sections are very helpful when inspecting the RTL units :-)

On my first steps with the Unicode RTL I found a different behaviour, when a console program is compiled from an PAS file, and from an LPI/LPR project. [on WinXP, Ansi source files]

When compiled from an PAS file, the behaviour is identical to the direct compilation on the commandline, string output is readable.

When compiled from an LPR file (LPI project), the string output has unreadable UTF-8 encoding, even for UnicodeString. Did I miss some project setting, required for proper console output?

When I try {$codepage 1252}, I get an error during compilation ("file not open")? The "charset" unit, mentioned in help on $codepage, doesn't give any clues about allowed values. What's the correct value for Windows default (western)? Or how else can I establish a global default sourcecode codepage?


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