On 12/02/2014 03:08 PM, Alexsander Rosa wrote:
All my forms are auto-created (is this relevant?). When I call (in
MainForm) Form1.Show and then Form1 calls Form2.ShowModal, the MainForm
is ALWAYS brought up behind Form2.

If you have a document open and you want to work side-by-side with Form1
(and eventually Form2), you need to move MainForm somewhere (and
sometimes there's no space) to avoid blocking the view of the document.
Even if I minimize the MainForm before calling Form2.ShowModal, the
MainForm always comes up.

Is this normal? Is there a way to go around it?

Create issue and attach example project. Also write (explain) as much possible about widgetset if you're under x11 (eg distro, window manager, libs version if you're talking about gtk2 or qt).


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