On 29/01/2015 14:59, Martin Frb wrote:
On 29/01/2015 14:41, FreeMan wrote:
On osx,
color set twilight, in source editor cursor not viewing, system color is black for cursor too. Can it be colored in source editor?

Not that I know.

The caret is drawn by the OS. At least on windows. Apparently GTK does not have it, and the code in the Lcl/widgetset emulates it (but has no property for color).
On Mac, I do not know what happens.

SynEdit can influence the shape of the caret. But the IDE has no setting to influence this, you would have to add your own change in the IDE code.

It might be now, but you need to do a couple of code changes, since no options exist.


line 2410
constructor TSynEditScreenCaret.Create(AHandleOwner: TWinControl);

change (old)
  FCaretPainter := TSynEditScreenCaretPainterSystem.Create(AHandleOwner);
into (new)
  FCaretPainter := TSynEditScreenCaretPainterInternal.Create(AHandleOwner);

Then find  (same unit),
procedure TSynEditScreenCaretPainterInternal.Paint;

and change the color
- black inverts
- white does nothing
- red inverts the blue and green, but leaves red untouched.
if you have some medium grey as background, try $808080

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