Thank you your suggestions Mattias.
If I'm not wrong, our result is same just way is little bit different.
I don't like copy file every where, Examp.
my fpc and lazarus folders, under /opt/. fpc use this "/usr/lib/fpc/$fpcversion/units/$fpctarget/*" folder so copy files there. Same way, for binnary ppcxxx files copy to for /bin/ I prefer, make symbolic link, 'cos for remove or some time upgrade application (not just fpc & laz) need copy where to copied before, have to remember, but if its link can find easy, never mind this is how to use to.

in my script like this:
make -s clean all install INSTALL_PREFIX=$prefixVolume$fpc_prefix CPU_TARGET=$CPU_TARGET
after maked and add link to system
sudo ln -sf $prefixVolume$fpc_prefix"/share/doc/fpc-"$svnVer /usr/share/doc/fpc-"$svnVer"
sudo ln -sf $prefixVolume$fpc_prefix"/lib/fpc/" /usr/lib/
sudo ln -sf $prefixVolume$fpc_prefix"/bin/bin2obj" /bin --> here add other all files, I wrote one for example.

after then run this command:
sudo /usr/lib/fpc/"$svnVer"/samplecfg /usr/lib/fpc/"$svnVer"/ /private/etc

and this lines in created fpc.cfg,
# searchpath for units and other system dependent things

sometime I run make command 10 times in day, maybe more. remove all files and rerun make command. I love my ssd :) so I add to my script "$prefixVolume" variable. This is for ram drive path, so all make job read write in ramdrive, so my ssd live not decrease.

On 24.02.2015 13:14, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
You combined FPC sources (/Volumes/ram_disk/opt/freepascal/3.1.1)
with the FPC installation (/Volumes/ram_disk/opt/freepascal/3.1.1).
Although this is possible, it makes it harder to spot
misconfigurations, so it is not recommended.
If you are not an expert, do what all others do: Use different
directories. For example

make distclean all install INSTALL_PREFIX=/Volumes/ram_disk/

This creates the files under

Don't forget to remove /Volumes/ram_disk/opt/freepascal/3.1.1/lib.

And then add to your /etc/fpc.cfg

After that click in the IDE menu Tools / Rescan FPC source directory.

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