On 02/25/2015 08:05 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
I just found this very interesting video about Delphi XE7 (or AppMethod)
and how the form designer can design for multiple device targets. Very
clever usage of Visual Form Inheritance.


How does Lazarus IDE (or LCL) handle this? Can you develop for multiple
targets with a single source code base? Or is this beyond the scope of
LCL (eg: LCL is only meant for desktop apps)?

While (AFAIK, not having watched, yet) in Delphi XE this is only possible with FireMonkey, and hence porting existing Desktop VCL-applications to other platforms is close to impossible, with Lazarus compiling for all supported platforms should be possible using the the LCL that is rather similar to the Delphi VCL.

So - disregarding technical details - Lazarus should be better regarding portability.


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