On 23 March 2015 at 09:08, Marc Santhoff <m.santh...@web.de> wrote:

> >
> > As far as requirements in this instance go, new information has come to
> > light for the forum user - looks like TAChart will suit them fine.
> Exactly, using TAChart it's really easy to get get the x-y-plot working,
> which is the most complicated task. Adding some buttons, sliders or
> whatever for the rest is fun. :

And that is exactly what programming should be :-)

> Sadly I cannot publish the project I've done, although it is pretty
> small. But if you're working at it I will be able to post some pieces of
> code to get you started

Thanks for the offer, but @wp has already pointed out an applicable TAChart
demo which should get the user started.  I think for now we're fine :-)


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