
What is the rationale for duplicating the 'Add' button in the package dialog ?

The buttons as they are now are highly confusing. I preferred the old system where there was only 1 button. That was clear and intuitive.

If you really want to add a button (I will not argue that point, clearly someone thought it was necessary), then please give them a very distinctive look.

* The 'add other items' (the one with 2+es) button would be more clear if you
  gave it a 'New item' look. Which is, to my mind, closer to what it actually 

* The 'Add' button would be best served with something that resembles the 'Open 
file' icon.
  Possibly with a small '+' sign overlayed.

I don't care so much what the exact images are, but please make it something 
very distinct;
as it is now, it is very confusing. I keep pushing the wrong button, they are 
too similar.
After many weeks of working with the dialog, this should no longer occur IMHO, a clear sign that things are not clear and intuitive. Hence the request.


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