brian wrote:
Hi folks,
Can someone please give me a hint with this problem. I'm new to
Firebird, but I needed a database which could be used in embedded
fashion, and seemed to have a choice of one under Linux.
What I need to do is to return a value generated by a Firebird
generator into my Pascal code. Doing it what seemed to me to be the
obvious way returns zero rows, do I need to update an interim table
and then query that table? Or is there some other method which I've

Embedded in what way? I use Firebird on occasion as an alternative to PostgreSQL (i.e. in a client-server scenario), but I'd have thought for a single-system application SQLite would have been worth a look.

Having said that, apart from Firebird's poor documentation I've had no significant problem querying and updating tables. What exactly are you trying to do?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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