Well I dont get the issue myself, so I canonly give generic advice.

To try and trace the problem, since it seems only when called by the IDE:

Open the "Debug Output" window, and see all the commands the IDE sent.

Start gdb
  gdb -i mi

And repeat the commands. That should get you the error. Now try to find which one causes it.

Also of course make sure it is not the Antivirus (that may make a difference between gdb in started by hand, or started by the IDE.

On 28/04/2015 14:21, Den wrote:
I've been having this problem on my Game Project for the longest time! .. Same error.. Just started happening one day. I had wrote a message one time about it on this list, remember Martin?

- Dennis

On 2015-04-28 04:23 AM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:


All of a sudden (no idea why), gdb stopped working on a particular program I was working on. I found the following error in the debug output:

(gdb) =thread-exited,id="1",group-id="i1"
^error,msg="During startup program exited with code 1."

Impossible to debug after this:

(gdb) <-exec-continue>
^error,msg="The program is not being run."

Running the same program in the gdb debugger manually does not produce this error.
Any idea what anomaly can explain this ?

Restarting IDE, debugger: none of that helped.


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