Hi Folks.

Currently I have some services running in a linux box (OpenSuse 11.2) and they will be moved to an OpenSuse 13.2. I want to move the services from SysV to systemd. I noticed that in the service configuration file (namely /usr/lin/systemd/system/MyService.service) there are some options wich bother me a little bit. The services are programs written using Lazarus and its service framework. Please note that the services run either on Windows or on Linux (some $ifdef help). I wonder what happens on two points: 1. the new service type parameter TYPE in section [Service] should be "simple" I guess
2. the parameter TimeoutStartSec bothers me.

As in the sefvice framework developed using Lazarus units (service project), the program is started by the INIT script in /etc/init.d with the -r runtime switch. The program then responds to the start event of the Daemon unit wich, in turn, starts the main thread and the called start procedure exits as soon as posible. The program keeps running until the exit signal is fired and the main thread is stopped. If it is by the means of the INIT script (service MyService stop) the process is killed either soft or hard. The question is: does a service written in this new method still needs the Lazarus service framework ? What is the signal sent to systemd wich informs it that the sevice has started (read man systemd.service (5) )? The same mechanism as the Lazarus service framework still applies ?

I'm not yet ready to use either D-BUS messaging system nor socket based systemd start service mechanism.

Thank you for any information.


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