On Tue, 30 Jun 2015, Bee wrote:

On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Michael Van Canneyt <mich...@freepascal.org> 
      On Tue, 30 Jun 2015, Bee wrote:
            Hi all,

            Just found this: http://www.vcljs.com
            Is it possible to use it as LCL for the web?

      I would not recommend it. It's typescript, not javascript. Typescript is 
an M$ experiment. You need visual studio for it to work. (conceivably it can
      be used without VS, but it is an additional hurdle).

TypeScript outputs JavaScript, right? Is it possible to use the JS directly?

I have no idea. I dropped the idea of Typescript as soon as I saw that you need Visual Studio to be able to handle it halfway decent.
The new features in upcoming releases of Javascript should remove the need for 
Typescript anyway...

      There are many javascript "widgetsets" out there that can be used as "VCL for 
the web": React, ExtJS, Angular, Jquery UI etc. Focusing on one is not
      the right approach IMHO. Not to mention that they all evolve at 
breathtaking speed, and what is current today is no longer current next year.

Supporting one of many JS libraries doesn't mean only focusing on one and only 
that. Consider it like desktop widgetset, there are GDI, QT, GTK, Cocoa, etc. I
just found another alternative. Its advantage is similar object model to VCL, 
so perhaps it might attract someone out here to create a new web-widget 
project. :)

All correct. But then I'd prefer to start with a widely supported one, and not an obscure one that is designed for VS.
Just a matter of preference.

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