On 20 Jul 2015 22:23, "Frederic Da Vitoria" <davito...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2015-07-20 21:41 GMT+02:00 Richard Mace
>> How can I code TProcess, so that it shows me the output from the
"ipconfig /all" command instead?
> Hello,
> This is not exactly what you asked for, but you could simply redirect the
output with something like "ipconfig /all > ipconfig..txt" then read the
contents of ipconfig.txt (or whatever name you gave to the output file).
You must take care where you put the output file, though: you must have the
rights to write in that folder.
> Of course my solution is only a quick trick, the answer to your question
would be much cleaner and much more interesting.
Hi Frederic, that's a good idea and I hadn't thought of that work around.
I'll give it a go

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