I have written a small program using FPC to run on Rasp Pi to connect, via i2c, to a temperature/humidity sensor and save the readings into a MySQL database. Initially, I tried to use wiringPi, but I later found out it was very simple to directly connect to i2c via fpRead() . It was as simple as:

  I2C_SLAVE = 1795;
  CMD_SOFT_RESET : byte = $FE;
  CMD_READ_TEMP_NOHOLD : byte = $F3;
  CMD_READ_HUM_NOHOLD : Byte =  $F5;

var TheDeviceNo : integer = $40;
    ThePath : String = '/dev/i2c-1';
    DeviceHandle : integer;

DeviceHandle := fpopen(ThePath,O_RDWR); //Open the I2C bus in Read/Write mode iio:= FpIOCtl(DeviceHandle, I2C_SLAVE, pointer(TheDeviceNo)); //Set options

   If (iio <> 0) or (DeviceHandle < 0) Then begin
      DeviceHandle := 0;
raise Exception.Create('Failed to open '+ThePath+' device# 0x'+IntToStr(TheDeviceNo));

//to read a floating variable:
function ReadFloat(const TheRegNo: byte; TheOffset, TheSlope: double): double;
var aBytes : array[0..3] of byte;
  i : integer;
 fpwrite(DeviceHandle, TheRegNo, 1);
 Sleep(100); //for safety only. not sure if needed

 Fillchar(aBytes, sizeof(aBytes), 0);
 fpread(DeviceHandle, aBytes, 3);

//the following is only specific to the themometer which requires some conversion in the data read.
 if IsCRC8Ok(aBytes) then begin
   result := ((aBytes[0] shl 8) or aBytes[1] ) and ($FFFC);
   result  :=result/65536;
   result := result * TheSlope + TheOffset;
 end else
   raise ECRCError.Create('');

//to reset the themometer
  fpwrite(DeviceHandle, CMD_SOFT_RESET, 1);

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