Bo Berglund wrote:
On Sun, 18 Oct 2015 10:01:40 +0000, Mark Morgan Lloyd
<> wrote:

I've already pointed you at the relevant xdg utility, but quite frankly I wonder why I bother.

I do not see how me changing the operating system way of displaying
menus to another system would help. I looked up the xdg here:

And that was not really understandable for me.....

It's hardly surprising, that link's completely irrelevant to the programs I explicitly pointed you at:

>>> See also xdg-desktop-menu and xdg-desktop-icon which should be
>>> included with most distreaux and tailored for their peculiarities.

MichaelVC showed you exactly what make install did, then you ran it and complained it wasn't what you wanted. You've more than once gone and found instructions on the web, then found they've left you with a mess- everything requiring root access or whatever.

If you'd read the manpage for xdg-desktop-menu you'd see, right at the start

"The xdg-desktop-menu program can be used to install new menu entries to the desktop's application menu."

If you looked further you'd also see

"In user mode the file is (un)installed for the current user only. In system mode the file is (un)installed for all users on the system."

Now, you're being given conflicting advice about where to store stuff. The bottom line is probably that if you've installed Lazarus (etc.) from the OS's repository you don't want to overwrite it... that's not as stupid as it sounds since even if you don't run the stock version installing it makes sure the prerequisites are there.

Apart from that there's no "right" answer. If you're running a multiuser system and don't want other people walking over your copy of Lazarus (and don't want to walk over other people's work) then build it somewhere in your home directory. If it's a single-user system or you're confident that the version you're setting up is what other people want, then build it in e.g. /usr/local/share/lazarus; in this latter case you'll want to make sure that you use chown to make it adequately accessible, I'm pretty sure I've given you an example of that.

In either case, use the appropriate xdg utility to set up menu entries for either yourself or all users. Most desktop environments have a (right-click) facility that allows you to set up a new program entry on the desktop, Raspbian omits that for some reason and my recollection is that the menu-editing facility isn't all that good.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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