On Fri, 25 Sep 2015 09:22:04 -0400
Dmitry Boyarintsev <skalogryz.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I know lots of developers don't like licensing questions, but I'll ask
> anyway.
> Is it intended that RTL is using LGPL v2.1 as its base, while LCL is using
> an earlier verions LGPL v2?
> Yes, both RTL and LCL are using the same "exception" to the license, but
> I'm just curious.
> One (not-so) important difference between LGPL v2.1 and LGPL v2 is section
> 6.b)
> In v2.1 it sort of implies usage of the library as dynamically
> linked/loaded library rather than part of executable.
> In v2 there's no such requirement at all.
> Be careful, your reply might be copy-pasted by me to this wiki page
> http://wiki.freepascal.org/licensing

For simplicity the LCL should use the same license as FCL/RTL.

Can you extract the differences, so we can ask for permission from


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