Martin Schreiber wrote:

Generally works well, provided that the desktop machine's X11 server
fully supports the primitives expected by the target machine's widget set.

I use remote debugging by gdbserver running on Raspberry Pi. The target uses the Rpi X11 server, so one needs to see the Rpi screen and reach the target keyboard and mouse in order to debug a graphical application with this setup.

As one gets older, not having to reach out to an extra keyboard or swivel to concentrate on an extra screen becomes a blessing. Trust me.

Until recently, one could debug many embedded systems using a serial (RS232) connection: Logitech did good work on this. These days, one can debug many using telnet or SSH. In either of these cases, debugging sessions can appear in a window on ones main screen: I certainly hope that my days of having to do a Rick Wakeman impersonation, with two computers and a Tektronix logic analyser, are past.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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