FreeMan, please stop opening tens of bug reports for OS/X. Many of
them turned out to be problems in your local system config, not bugs
in Lazarus, and you asked yourself to close them.
Do the other problems also happen only in your local system?

Some of the reports are about QT on OS/X. Some are only OS/X without
widgetset. Does it mean you used Carbon then? Or does the problem
happen with many widgetsets?

QT maintainer Zeljko cannot reproduce your issues. I guess nobody can.
Hence it makes no sense to open so many reports. You could have one
report like "FreeMan's problems on OS/X that nobody can reproduce"
where you list all the anomalies, or better yet list them here under a
mailing list thread.

When the bug tracker is polluted with issues that nobody can reproduce
and which finally must be resolved as "unable to reproduce", finding
and prioritizing the real bugs becomes more difficult.


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