On 23.12.2015 08:54, taazz wrote:
I know that Delphi behaves the same but then we need some FormStyle that makes the window stay only on top of its application windows and not system-wide.

No it does not, delphi's 2007 menu designer never stays on top outside the application it self and never looses its position regardless of how many times you change between delphi and other applications.

I was talking about FormStyle=fsStayOnTop and not about delphi's 2007 menu designer. fsStayOnTop in Delphi behaves the same as in Lazarus - it tries to keep the form above all forms system-wide.

On 23.12.2015 08:54, taazz wrote:
E.g. I am writing now this email. I open Menu designer in Lazarus and then switch back to my email program - the email program is covered by the menu designer from Lazarus, which is absolutely not OK in my eyes.

Bad :( The PopupMode should solve the problem.
No, pmauto will autoselect the applications main form as popupparent you need to set the formdesigner as the popupparrent for all the component designers (menu, stringgrid, collections etc). This way double clicking an event will hide the designers which will be back on top when you focus the form designer.

No, you are wrong. pmAuto selects the active form as PopupParent not application's main form. See

  TPopupMode = (
    pmNone,     // default behavior - popup to mainform/taskbar window
    pmAuto, *// popup to active form and same as pmNone if no active form*
    pmExplicit  // popup to PopupParent and same as pmNone if not exists

or the widgetset code, e.g. for Qt:

procedure TQtMainWindow.UpdateParent;
  NewParent: QWidgetH;
  NewParent := nil;
  case FPopupMode of
    pmNone: ;// no popup parent
      // active form is parent
      if Screen.ActiveForm <> nil then
        NewParent := TQtWidget(Screen.ActiveForm.Handle).Widget;

On 23.12.2015 08:54, taazz wrote:
On Win32 it works well with PopupMode=pmAuto. On my testing Linux/Gtk2 system it works the same with pmNode and pmAuto - it correctly shows the "Checkmark and radioitem properties" dialog above Menu designer.
What OS/WS are you seeing the problem?

Yes and no depends heavily which is the main form and how it changes between versions.

Again, you are wrong. pmAuto doesn't have anything to do with the main form.


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