> Napoleon conquered the world some 200 years ago. That is long enough as
nobody seems to have strong negative association with his actions

Follow this link if you want to see why WW2, and by extension the people
who created it and the symbols they used, is such a big deal:


In short, WW2 resulted in more deaths than any event in human history
including the Black Death, the Napoleonic wars, the great Flu Pandemic of
1918, and Pol Pot anti intellectualism cleansing or chairman Mao's program
of cultural cleansing. I have five uncles, on both my mother's and father's
side, who fought and died in WW2. When I've visited their graves in France
and Hawaii everyone I met seemed to a good understanding of the war's cost
in human life on both sides, and also the new connotations symbols like the
Swastika had taken, for better or worse.

Even if you like the shape of the Nazi style Swastika, and have
appreciation of its history in Finland, most everyone in the developed
Western world now recognizes it as a symbol of Nazism, and by extension a
symbol of prejudicial racism and hate.
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