Hello together!

Working with 1.6RC2 I noticed a - for me - very serious problem and wonder
whether I've missed some option.
Back in 1.4.x when I opened a non-existing file and I confirmed that I want
to have it created the file was not added to project or the project's
mainfile. This is wonderful and I use it to quickly create testcases for
the compiler (which don't need their own project and are compiled from the
command line or from the compiler running debugged in the IDE anyway).
Now with 1.6RC2 I noticed that such files are added to the uses clause of
the main program file and the project inspector.
Is there some option I have missed to change this behavior? Because not
only meeses this up the compiler project, but CodeTools don't like it as
well as the files I add this way are usually program files, thus they
shouldn't be in the uses section anyway.
If there isn't the this should be changed preferably before the release of
1.6 as otherwise that version will be useless for me (or I'll have to patch
out that code myself).

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