On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 3:08 PM, Michael Van Canneyt <mich...@freepascal.org
> wrote:

> On Mon, 25 Jan 2016, silvioprog wrote:
>> Many units in Free Pascal and Delphi uses C libraries... when aren't using
>> a C library (an API system call, an third party library call, etc.), are
>> using assembly, ie, mostly time Pascal is used as a high-level language to
>> consume some low-level code written in C or assembly.
> There is a simple reason: Debugging and bugfixing is a lot easier if all
> the code is in pascal.

Here's another reason - cross-platform availability.
FPC is cross platform. To some extent (Java?) is more cross-platform that C

When using an external library, there might be a risk that the library is
not *easily* available for another platform that is targeted. It's common
for open-source projects, not to provide any binary builds, requiring a
library user to build the library themselves. Luckily, the most common
projects do have some satellite projects that actually provide binaries.

Building C (C++) library could be a real pain for some Pascal users.
(Pascal spoils!)
Building C/C++ library for a desired target platform, could be even more
painful, specifically if some sort of cross-tools required or when building
configuration needs to be changed.

Thus a pure pascal library would be a number one choice for most users.
With though it might be outdated and/or slower than its C-counterpart (i.e.
paszlib vs zlib)

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