On Fri, 12 Feb 2016 00:54:38 +0100 (CET)
Michael Van Canneyt <mich...@freepascal.org> wrote:

> By this I mean a view of a unit as the compiler will see it:
> - Correct include files included
> - IFDefs properly resolved.
> The IDE groks include files and can already syntax highlight conditional 
> code, 
> so the necessary mechanisms surely are in place.

Yes, in fact the codetools create such a source as first step. It is
called the "cleaned source". Skipped code is in special comments and
there is a map to the original sources.
So it is possible to show it in a read-only synedit. With a bit more
work the view can support code navigation and code explorer.
It would be more work to integrate such a view in the source editor.
Especially editing would be complex.
What should happen when the include file of the cursor is no longer in
the unit?
What about include files used twice in a unit?

> This view can be read-only for all I care, can optionally have gutter markers 
> for 'special' locations (where includes occur or IFDEFS were observed). 
> Maybe gutter colors/folds to indicate includes, etc.
> How this view is to be entered is also up for discussion.
> Just running an idea up the flagpole...
> If it's pure balderdash, feel free to say so.

A read-only view is a good idea. Supporting editing might not be worth
the trouble.

Maybe someone can implement a package adding a "unit explorer" - a
window with pages for units, with code navigation and a light weight
code explorer. Jumping between source editor and unit explorer could be done 
with menu items (and/or icons in the tool bar).

Another idea is to show links to the include structure of the unit, for
example on top of an include file or in the code explorer.


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