On Thu, 18 Feb 2016, duilio foschi wrote:

we have a linux server with domain (say)


A mail server of some type is installed.

The mail server uses the following mysql tables:

| Tables_in_mailserver |
| view_aliases         |
| view_users           |
| virtual_aliases      |
| virtual_domains      |
| virtual_users        |

Probably some of you will quickly recognize the sort of mailserver used
here (I dont remember its name).

By accessing these tables from MySQL I know how to create a new email
account and how to forward emails sent to each mail account.

Is there a way to programmatically intercept all incoming emails, process
them and eventually store them in a database ?

You should define a filter for your MTA. The filter is then a program you
write, and this program can do whatever it wants. It will need to report
back to the MTA. Usually some pre-defined exit codes are used for this.

If possible, I'd like to do that by Lazarus CGIs.

I don't think CGI is an option for such a system.


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