I've solved the problem but still don't know why.
I checked the installed package an noticed that LazCustForms was marked for installation but not yet installed. As far as I knwo I do'nt use this, but I installed the package. And the next time I closed my project without problems. I've tried it several tmes and all is wel.
Bu why????

Frans van Leeuwen
M 06-51695390

Op 22-02-2016 om 19:35 schreef Frans:

A few days ago I installed lazarus 1.6. After adding some packages I use it works fine but for 2 projects. I can't close these two projects without a crash of Lazarus, showing the message 'Access violation' twice in a dlg with the title 'Readerror'. One project is the example htmhelpsample (in $(Lazarus)\examples\htmlhelp_ipro). The other project is my own. I don't have this problem in projects that don't use the component turbopower_ipro. I've corrected the error in htmhelpsample by doing a Clean up and build. But the same action on my own project doe's do the trick. I've noticed that compiled files in the wrong place can cause a problem but I've done a search and found nothing wrong.
Anyone an idea where to look?

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