On Thu, 25 Feb 2016, Jürgen Hestermann wrote:

Am 2016-02-25 um 16:46 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
In the "IDE Options -> Environment -> General" you can disable images on
buttons (in ide dialogs) and menus.

Would it be possible to have another option to disable text in ide
windows that have toolbars? Take a look at the attached screenshot. Many
ide windows look like the red rectangle (that isn't zoomed in the
screenshot, that's actual size). Yet look at how much less space is
taken up by the toolbars in the green rectangles.
These massive toolbars are wasted screenspace, and if you resize windows
like the Project Group window and make it narrower to fit the content of
the treeview better, then I get 3 rows of buttons - waisting even more
vertical space!

A image with a tooltip should suffice. The added text is just bloat.

It's just the other way round:
The images are bloat.
They contain no information at all.

The best would be to avoid all these toolbars and
use on demand popup (text) lists where I can select from.
Such a text list can be filtered, sorted and searched for but pictograms cannot.

That's called a menu ?

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