Am 2016-04-08 um 18:18 schrieb Michael Thompson:
I do agree though, we're open source.  We should all pull our own weight and 
not expect others to pick up our own slack.  It's only in a corporate 
environment that I'd insist on professionals doing the documentation.

Well, of course, nobody can be forced to do anything in open source projects.
The same applies to coding:
If nobody is willing (or not has the skills) to code for an open source project 
then it is as it is.

But in the same way as others complain here about lack of coders
I am complaining about the lack of documentation.
And IMO all discussions about what should be coded should also end in the 
And who will document it?
Code without documentation is a pain.
Documentation saves a lot more time than it cost to write it.

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