On Tue, 17 May 2016 08:13:11 +0100
Graeme Geldenhuys <mailingli...@geldenhuys.co.uk> wrote:

> > the code tree that references those units.  Do you know if Lazarus has a 
> > way to show the units used when a compilation fails?

You might want to increase the compiler verbosity. Project / Project
Options / Compiler Options / Verbosity

> Do a Build All instead of a standard Compile.Then right click in the
> IDE's Messages window and select "Copy -> Copy All Messages". Paste the
> clipboard to some text editor and review all the units compiled.
> It would be nice if Lazarus IDE has an option to show unfiltered output
> in the Messages window, but I haven't figured out if this is possible or
> now. Older versions of Lazarus use do do that.

Right Click / Filter*


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