On Wed, 14 Dec 2005 09:07:42 -0200
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Now with backtrace (sorry, never used gdb on the command line before ^^ 
> good to learn):

Can you send an example, where the StretchDraw does not work?


> > (gdb) break fpc_raiseexception
> > Breakpoint 1 at 0x805d8ee
> > (gdb) run --g-fatal-warnings
> > Starting program: /home/felipe/Programação/Lente/magnifier
> > --g-fatal-warnings Reading symbols from shared object read from target
> > memory...done. Loaded system supplied DSO at 0xffffe000
> > Detaching after fork from child process 4656.
> > 
> > Breakpoint 1, 0x0805d8ee in fpc_raiseexception ()
> > (gdb) bt
> > #0  0x0805d8ee in fpc_raiseexception ()
> > #1  0x080d0c95 in GLOGFUNC (ALOGDOMAIN=0x0, ALOGLEVEL=10,
> > AMESSAGE=0xbfe8712c, ADATA=0xb7ab2014) at gtkobject.inc:110 #2 
> > 0xb7f4faaa in g_logv () from /usr/lib/libglib-1.2.so.0 #3  0xbfe879c0 in
> > ?? () #4  0xbfe879d0 in ?? ()
> > #5  0xb7f60ea4 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libglib-1.2.so.0
> > #6  0xbfe87128 in ?? ()
> > #7  0xb7f60ca0 in g_thread_use_default_impl () from
> > /usr/lib/libglib-1.2.so.0 #8  0xb7f60ea4 in ?? () from
> > /usr/lib/libglib-1.2.so.0 #9  0xbfe8712c in ?? ()
> > #10 0xb7f60ca0 in g_thread_use_default_impl () from
> > /usr/lib/libglib-1.2.so.0 #11 0x00000001 in ?? ()
> > #12 0x00000003 in ?? ()
> > #13 0x00000008 in ?? ()
> > #14 0xb7ab2014 in ?? ()
> > #15 0x656c6966 in ?? ()
> > #16 0x6b646720 in ?? ()
> > #17 0x7869702d in ?? ()
> > #18 0x2d667562 in ?? ()
> > #19 0x77617264 in ?? ()
> > #20 0x656c6261 in ?? ()
> > #21 0x203a632e in ?? ()
> > #22 0x656e696c in ?? ()
> > #23 0x30313120 in ?? ()
> > #24 0x67282039 in ?? ()
> > #25 0x705f6b64 in ?? ()
> > #26 0x75627869 in ?? ()
> > #27 0x65675f66 in ?? ()
> > #28 0x72665f74 in ?? ()
> > #29 0x645f6d6f in ?? ()
> > #30 0x61776172 in ?? ()
> > #31 0x29656c62 in ?? ()
> > #32 0x7361203a in ?? ()
> > #33 0x74726573 in ?? ()
> > #34 0x206e6f69 in ?? ()
> > ---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
> > #35 0x73656460 in ?? ()
> > #36 0x20785f74 in ?? ()
> > #37 0x30203d3d in ?? ()
> > #38 0x20262620 in ?? ()
> > #39 0x74736564 in ?? ()
> > #40 0x3d20795f in ?? ()
> > #41 0x2730203d in ?? ()
> > #42 0x69616620 in ?? ()
> > #43 0x2e64656c in ?? ()
> > #44 0x082a7400 in ?? ()
> > #45 0xbfe871d4 in ?? ()
> > #46 0xbfe87aa4 in ?? ()
> > #47 0x0000541b in ?? ()
> > #48 0xb7c2ab69 in ioctl () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
> > #49 0xb7e880e0 in XUnlockDisplay () from /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.6
> > Previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)
> > (gdb) cont
> > Continuing.
> > TApplication.HandleException [FATAL] file gdk-pixbuf-drawable.c: line
> > 1109 (gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable): assertion `dest_x == 0 && dest_y ==
> > 0' failed.
> >   Stack trace:
> >   $080D0C87  GLOGFUNC,  line 110 of gtkobject.inc
> >   $B7F4FAAA  WSSPIN_init,  line 75 of gtkglobals.pp
> > 
> > Breakpoint 1, 0x0805d8ee in fpc_raiseexception ()
> > (gdb) bt
> > #0  0x0805d8ee in fpc_raiseexception ()
> > #1  0x080d0c95 in GLOGFUNC (ALOGDOMAIN=0x0, ALOGLEVEL=11,
> > AMESSAGE=0xbfe86d70, ADATA=0xb7ab2014) at gtkobject.inc:110 #2 
> > 0xb7f4faaa in g_logv () from /usr/lib/libglib-1.2.so.0 #3  0xb7cf4344 in
> > ?? () from /usr/lib/libgtk-1.2.so.0 #4  0x00000000 in ?? ()
> > (gdb) cont
> > Continuing.
> > TApplication.HandleException: there was another exception during showing
> > the first exception [TGtkWidgetSet.Destroy] WARNING: There are 3
> > unreleased DCs, a detailed dump follows: [TGtkWidgetSet.Destroy]  DCs:  
> > B796F5C4 B796F354 B796F014 [TGtkWidgetSet.Destroy] WARNING: There are 12
> > unreleased GDIObjects, a detailed dump follows: [TGtkWidgetSet.Destroy] 
> >  GDIOs: B7AAB194 B7AAB0F4 B7AAB0A4 B7AAB054 B7AAB004 B7AAABF4 B7AAAC44
> > [TGtkWidgetSet.Destroy]   gdiBitmap: 3
> > [TGtkWidgetSet.Destroy]   gdiBrush: 3
> > [TGtkWidgetSet.Destroy]   gdiFont: 3
> > [TGtkWidgetSet.Destroy]   gdiPen: 3
> > 
> > Program exited normally.
> > (gdb) bt
> > No stack.
> > (gdb)
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