
Peter, I suggest to add ">" characters to your answers, it seems that 2
persons reply to this message but I couldn't check which one was you

Is this possible that you can't view HTML messages properly (this is my default format)?

Is this similar what Intraweb does in Delphi/Kylix?

I don't know about Intraweb, but I have seen similar frameworks on the net.

A completely new IDE can be an overkill for the project (at least for
now) imo. The component editors acceptable (like IW does that).

Actually, a new IDE or a new component Editor doesn't matter,
right know, because new components start by code ;-)

Right but Lazarus have a stable userbase so it is better to extend Lazarus than writing a new IDE, I think that.

Thanks. ;-) What license is acceptable for you? Protective opensource
like GPL, LGPL or you prefer some other license?

I think you should use the same license as Lazarus does, but I think tha
LGPL is preferable.

Have you ever made components for Lazarus/Delphi before ?

When I was studying at the college there was a homework which contained a simple component development if I remember good. ;-)
So, not really.

I suggest you to start with the "Browser" component. I ussually start with
the  "TCustomPanel" control as a base for a new control, and later add
properties, methods etc.


  TMyBrowserPage = class(TPanel)
  { private declarations }

  { protected declarations }

  { public declarations }

  { published declarations }



TPanel or TCustomPanel? In the code you wrote TPanel and in the text before you wrote TCustomPanel.
Which should I use?
I think it is like a form which maps to a page in the browser.
So it needs a form editor or something similar before it can be used with the IDE visually. Should one browser control be created for each supported GUI representation type (SVG, XHTML, etc.) or is it better to create one for all and decide runtime depending on the client browser type?
The same question applies to the components too.
I think an expert should be created too which generates the base application code (similar to File/New/Application). Where are examples about this? The components should descend from TPanel or TCustomPanel too? Or buttons from TButton, edit boxes from TEdit, etc.? Or everything from TControl and TComponent?

First, start with your "TMyBrowserPage" control, just pretend you already
have it and you have one on you "Browser" form.

What properties should have, which of those properties and events are in
your object inspector, which ones are not but you can access by code ?

Make a list on a paper or an text editor.

Ok. I'm thinking on it.

I dont have Lazarus on my job pc right now,
later I will see how can I help.

Thanks. That would be great.

I have done new visual controls for Delphi, and working on migrating to




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