Mattias Gaertner wrote:

I asked because I'm preparing a patch for speedbuttons to shift the image one pixel right and down when pushed. This feature is dependent on used interface. This behavior is only for Win32 interface, GTK does not shift images on pushed buttons. So I added new procedure to TWSSpeedButton and override it in TWin32WSSpeedButton where I uncommented the command for registration of this class: RegisterWSComponent(TCustomSpeedButton, TWin32WSSpeedButton); After compiling everything seems to work well but my question is if I have to uncomment the registration command in GTK interface where this method is not implemented (there is no image shift).

Why do you need a method in the gtk interface for this?
Why not add a flag method TWSSpeedButton.GetPaintStyle(out DownOffset:
with default value 0,0 and overriden in TWin32WSSpeedButton with 2,2 (or
whatever offset)?


Maybe I was not very precise. I don't need any gtk interface method.
I have this method: procedure TWSSpeedButton.PreparePaintRect(const ASpeedBtn: TCustomSpeedButton; const APaintRect: PRect; const ADrawFlags: integer);
and it is implemented in the TWin32WSSpeedButton:
procedure TWin32WSSpeedButton.PreparePaintRect(const ASpeedBtn: TCustomSpeedButton; const APaintRect: PRect; const ADrawFlags: integer);
 if (ADrawFlags and DFCS_PUSHED) = 0 then OffsetRect(APaintRect^, -1, -1);
There is no implementation of this method in TGtkWSSpeedButton, GTK does not shift the image. The question is if I have to uncomment the RegisterWSComponent command for TGtkWSSpeedButton if it does not implement the method. I would say yes because when I don't uncomment it for TWin32WSSpeedButton then Lazarus crashes. But for example GTK2 does not register TGtk2WSButton at all and is working.




when I comment the command RegisterWSComponent(TCustomBitBtn, TWin32WSBitBtn); in file win32wsbuttons.pp in win32 interface, Lazarus crashes. How is then possible that GTK2 interface is working (I suppose it is working, did not try) and has this command commented out?


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