Mattias Gaertner wrote:
On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 14:28:42 +0800
Funky Beast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Vincent Snijders wrote:

Mattias Gaertner wrote:

On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 20:59:41 +0800
Funky Beast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kleiton L R Soares wrote:

Good Morning,
I'm try use Lazarus but...

i'm add a button and click on event onClick, when i make this action one
a    error message is showed to me ...

"Unable to find method. Plz fix the error shown in the message

window" >>> in message window....

Error: unit not found:StdCtrls
i'm remove ... and make the action again .... other error
Error: unit not found:ExtCtrls
i'm remove ... and make the action again .... other error
Error: unit not found:Buttons

i don't can make actions... various erros !!! somebody can

help-me.... >>>

Enviroment->Enviroment Options: Files Tab->Lazarus Directory must point to
root of Lazarus source directory e.g. /usr/local/lazarus.

Stumped me the first time i use Lazarus :-)

/usr/local/lazarus is one of the standard directories, so the IDE

should > find this automatically. I wonder, why not on your system.

Is it not /usr/local/lib/lazarus or /usr/local/share/lazarus?


Neither of those paths (or any "/usr/local/" related paths) were
on my $PATH at that time.
The installation of some distros did not include them in $PATH.

It might also be that the excecutable was placed somewhere else than the
Lazarus directory (e.g when install component packages with no write
permission to /usr/local/lazarus, it wrote lazarus executable to
/home/user/.lazarus/bin), so ProgramDirectory() function didn't catch it

Suggestion: "Build Lazarus" or "make clean all" to write something in
lazarus config path about where the latest lazarus executable was built
from, for lazarus to use it as a fallback reference, if
CheckLazarusDirectory fails.

If the lazarus was created under .lazarus/bin, then this executable was
created by the IDE.
If the IDE created this executable, then it knew the lazarus sources. So the
config already contains the correct path.

The only case, where the IDE does not know the lazarus source path is right
after installation, when there are no configs. It uses as default the
FileUtil.ProgramDirectory, which uses the PATH variable, backtracks symbolic
links and expand the filename to find the 'lazarus' executable, which should
be right in the lazarus source directory.

How did you install lazarus, and how to you start it the first time?


If memory serves me right, it was an rpm i downloaded somewhere.
I installed it using GnoRPM, and started it through the K menu of KDE, which
the rpm added. (I was new to linux at that time), i think it was installed to
/usr/bin and /usr/share/lazarus on RedHat 6.0.

Funky Beast

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