On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 11:36:39 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I created a Lazarus addon which shows a list of procedures in a Modal
> dialog (same a GExperts Procedure List).  Everythings seems to work
> fine, except for the editor focus after the jump.
> When I call the method below, it jumps to the correct location, and
> the Modal dialog closes, but now I cannot see my cursor in the editor?
>  The editor looks like it has focus, but no cursor movement is shown
> when I press the up/down keys or even the Ctrl+up/down keys.
> Any ideas how I can resolve this?  If you need the full source, I can
> email it directly.
> Some notes on the code below:
> LV = TListView component in Report style
> lItem.SubItems[3] holds the TCodeTreeNode.PosStart integer value
> procedure TProcedureListForm.JumpToSelection;
> var
>   lItem: TListItem;
>   Caret: TCodeXYPosition;
>   NewTopLine: integer;
>   CodeBuffer: TCodeBuffer;
>   ACodeTool: TCodeTool;
>   lStartPos: integer;
> begin
>   lItem := LV.Selected;
>   if lItem = nil then
>     Exit; //==>
>   if lItem.SubItems[3] = '' then
>     Exit; //==>
>   lStartPos := StrToInt(lItem.SubItems[3]);
>   CodeBuffer := CodeToolBoss.FindFile(MainFilename);
>   if CodeBuffer = nil then
>     Exit; //==>
>   ACodeTool := nil;
>   CodeToolBoss.Explore(CodeBuffer,ACodeTool,false);
>   if ACodeTool = nil then
>     Exit; //==>
>   if not ACodeTool.CleanPosToCaretAndTopLine(lStartPos, Caret, NewTopLine)
>   then
>     Exit; //==>
>   LazarusIDE.DoOpenFileAndJumpToPos(Caret.Code.Filename,
> Point(Caret.X, Caret.Y),
>       NewTopLine, -1, [ofRegularFile,ofUseCache]);

The form is still modal, so the source editor can not be focused. Move the
above line behind the ShowModal.
Save the needed values in some public properties.

>   Close;
> end;
> { method the launches the dialog }
> procedure ExecuteProcedureList(Sender: TObject);
> begin
>   with TProcedureListForm.Create(Application) do
>     try
>       ShowModal;

Add here:

if ShowModal=mrOk then
  LazarusIDE.DoOpenFileAndJumpToPos ...

>     finally
>       Free;
>     end;
> end;


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