Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 15:24:50 +0100
> Uwe Grauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Do i really need to have a gtk1-dev-package to compile lazarus?
>> Opensuse has full gtk2-support. I don't want to mess up my system
>> just to compile lazarus.
>> What can i do?
> gtk1 and gtk2 lives happily together. They don't share anything. Installing
> any gtk1 part should not mess up any gtk2 installation.
> Maybe you got confused by the --force option, you need to install the lazrus
> fedora rpm on suse. If you don't want to use the --force option, do not
> install the rpm. Download the lazarus tgz, extract it and do 'make' to build
> it. Lazarus does not need any special directory name. The only executable
> are 'lazarus' and startlazarus.
> Mattias


thank you for the info.
I will try to find a gtk1-dev-package for suse 10.0 then.
Any hints where to find it (suse 10.0 users)?


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