> > I'm off topic here but:
> > I think there should be a standard reference counting mechanism (standards
> > comittee?) between language. We have the standard ansi string header
> > embedded in
> > the ansistring but no standard reference counting mechanism. If this was the
> > case we could share our ansi strings in DLL's with C++ and other languages.
> Ansistrings are unique to Object Pascal. The implementation of strings in C++
> is completely different.

Which is why we need a standard implemented for OTHER languages to follow and
implement.  As pascal users, we follow all sorts of standards designed by C
programmers and never think to implement our own standards for other's to
follow. Not to mention we use all sorts of C dll/dso's but you rarely (never?)
see any C people using pascal  DLL/DSO's. It is this trend that makes Pascal
weaker and weaker with time.

We follow COM and CORBA, for example, it ain't written by a Pascal programmer.
So I don't see what is so hard about someone else following a standard
ANSISTRING ref counting specification written by Pascal inventors.

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