On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 13:24:09 +0200
"A.J. Venter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday 06 March 2006 13:15, Andreas Berger wrote:
> > A few years back I went to a trade show where I met a representative of
> > MySQL. Since MySQL is not free for comercial applications I asked him if
> > I could use Delphi (at the time) that supports MySQL to write an app
> > that uses MySQL and distribute it. He answered: "only if you supply the
> > souce to the app as well". I then asked if I could distribute the app
> > and let the client download and install MySQL seperatly. He said no
> > since the component used by Delphi was GPL and therefore forced me to
> > distribute my sourcecode anyway.
> >
> > My question: does anyone know how this issue stands with Lazarus?
> Same rules, lazarus is lgpl but the mysql libraries it uses are GPL´d -
> you don´t need anything from the lazarus guys to create a closed source
> mysql  based app - but you are linking against a GPL´d library - and that
> requires  the permission of the copyright holder - e.g. mysql inc.
> So to put it another way, the catch is with libmysqlclient.so which is
> gpl´d  and that means any app linked against it MUST be gpl´d as well, you
> need a  commercial license from mysql if you want to write a non-gpl´d
> program using  it. 
> The lazarus mysql components are NOT affected since they do not link
> against  the library - they merely translate the function names and then
> use an  external call to implement them - your program which uses that 
> unit/components however DOES get linked against it.
> Only question is whether this means the lazarus IDE gets linked against 
> libmysqlclient when the mysql support for the IDE is compiled.
> Even then at worst we may have to say the IDE is gpld and the LCL is lgpld
> -  it can´t have any wider impact than that and I don´t see how that can
> affect  anything, after all nobody is building a proprietory derivative of
> the IDE -  we are building apps with the LCL.

The IDE and the codetools are GPL anyway. The IDEIntf is modified LGPL.


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