At 14:19 29/3/2006, you wrote:
OK I think I understand at least one of your issues. For you to be able to
'update' the SQL select statement must have a PK. The PK is used when making
an update statement (I have not tried using delete but I bet it needs a PK to
BTW I think you can program the update,delete, and insert statements in the
connection. I'm not sure about this because I haven't tried it. The
connection has the 'executedirect' procedure. So just pass the sql string
to the procedure. Of course that would mean you are not using the query
control to handle the updates etc....
I think that it isn't true, John. A DB2 table must have a PK, both of
us know it. But, considering that I'm using DBNavigator/DBGrid I
think that the commands update and delete must be doing using a
similar way of the "WHERE CURRENT"
clause. The treatment of PK's(an their indexes) is done by the
database routines. I never saw a program execute commands to update
indexes and so on.
In a simple way: All key/index maintenance is done at DB2 internal
routines level.
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