At 14:03 4/4/2006, you wrote:

That's because UpdateIndexDefs isn't defined.

It remains being a mistery for me. Since RDBMS is who manage index(es) and key(s)...

> During conversations about this we began to discuss about DB2 TIMESTAMP format.

Since you wanted to use that as primary index.

Since the content I receive from ODBC was different of the content recorded in the column.

And about the DB2-timestamp. As I said, it's not a normal fieldtype. And
you can't expect us to support every field type there is.

I can define my own fieldtype, that'll only work with fpc+oracle. But if
I start complaining by IBM and Cobold that they don't support it
'natively without any code', they'll start laughing.

The format is supported by IBM in lots of machines of various capacities... Thousands? Who is the most important: Be a pig-headed or prepare a tool that can be used by thousands of programmers around the world?

If you want to make your database available for multiple languages, you
should taken that into account when you're designing it. Or you should
use some code.

No comments.

I'm curious, for instance, what MS Access will do with your timestamp...

It isn't "my timestamp", it's IBM's timestamp. I think that IBM has some influence in the IT in one or two countrys, Jojo

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